PUBLICATION: “CULTURAL SPACES FOR ACTIVE CITIZENS” Developing models of specific public spaces for the community

The Publication is developed in the frame of the project “Cultural Spaces for Active Citizens” organized by “Lokomotiva” – Center for New Initiatives in Arts and Culture – Skopje in partnership with “Faculty of things that can’t be learned” (FRU) – Bitola/Skopje, and in collaboration with “Loud Textile Worker” – Shtip, “Freedom Square” – Skopje, and “Theater Navigator Cvetko” – Skopje.

By creating and implementing specific methodological approaches and activities, the project aimed to raise questions about and regarding the public space, the space in culture and art; or, more specifically, its function, practice, governance, i.e. its use by the professionals in the field of culture and the citizens. Therefore, within the timeframe of this project the partners dedicate their action towards the following four spaces: “Kino Kultura” – project space for contemporary performing arts and contemporary culture in Skopje, the cinema of the Railway Residential Building in Skopje, Officers’ House in Bitola, and Cultural and Artistic Center “Textile” in Shtip. 

The publication presents these four spaces in the realm of their history, current situation of the spaces and their functioning – ownership, organizational and management structure, results from space related researches and recommendations for their further development as public spaces in culture and art for the professional community and the citizens.

Additionally, the publication gives overview of the project and its activities implemented within in the period May 2017 – July 2018.