Open Call for Applications for the programme Critical Practice (Made in Yugoslavia)

Critical Practice (Made in Yugoslavia)

Open Call for Applications

Deadline: January 20, 2023

Mentors of the programme: Ana VujanovićMarijana Cvetković and Biljana Tanurovska-Kjulavkovski

More about the programme at

This edition of the programme is part of the apap – Feminist Futures project that addresses inequality in the contemporary performing arts field, using the body of thought consolidated by the term Intersectional Feminism to find concrete structural answers and raise public awareness. Through its Feminist Futures Festivals, Feminist school and other programmes it will offer the participants of the Critical Practice (Made in Yugoslavia) a space for learning, producing and collaborating.

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„Ми треба ново тело“ – приказ на градењето родов и перформативен идентитет, текст на Елизабет Колевска

„Дијалогот кој недостасува“

Текст за премиерата на „Ми треба ново тело” текст на Елизабет Колевска

28 ноември 2022, понеделник


Како дел од програмата „Кореографирани тела“ на Локомотива, и изведувачката програма на јубилејното десетто издание на Фестивалот за феминистичка култура и акција ПРВО ПА ЖЕНСКО во рамки на 47-то издание на МОТ, се одржа премиерата на танцовиот перформанс „Ми треба ново тело“ на кореографката и изведувачка Викторија Илиоска.

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Родово и телесно пречитување на практиките на „пумпање“ и „цицање“ / Кон танцовиот перформанс „Ми треба ново тело“ на Викторија Илиоска

„Дијалогот кој недостасува“

Текст за премиерата на „Ми треба ново тело” на Душица Лазова

24 ноември 2022, четврток


Како дел од програмата „Кореографирани тела“ на Локомотива, и изведувачката програма на јубилејното десетто издание на Фестивалот за феминистичка култура и акција ПРВО ПА ЖЕНСКО во рамки на 47-то издание на МОТ, се одржа премиерата на танцовиот перформанс „Ми треба ново тело“ на кореографката и изведувачка Викторија Илиоска.

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 EDN Research Publication „Environmental Sustainability in Contemporary Dancе“

/македонски подолу/

European Dancehouse Network/ EDN Research Publication

„Environmental Sustainability in Contemporary Dancе“

15 November 2022 

LOKOMOTIVA-Centre for New Initiatives in Arts and Culture together with other members of European Dancehouse Network is promoting EDN Research Publication.

Across Europe, dance organisations and the arts in general are increasingly concerned with environmental sustainability. As part of its EDNext 2022-2024 programme, the European Dancehouse Network has focused on the issue of environmental sustainability in its first year. The research publication “Environmental Sustainability in Contemporary Dance: Emerging Issues, Practises and Recommendations” was commissioned to Jordi Baltà Portolés, who works as a consultant and researcher at Trànsit Projectes, a cultural management company based in L’Hospitalet de Llobregat, Barcelona.

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“Closeness of Touch” by Igor Koruga I 47. MOT I Lokomotiva I (Non)Aligned Movements

/македонски подолу/


(Non)Aligned Movements/ 47. MOT Festival

“Closeness of Touch” by Igor Koruga

Choreographic work and performance

18th November 2022, Friday, 21 h 

@ MKC GalleryMKC


Tikets here


Choreography, performance, video, text: Igor Koruga

Dramaturgy: Ana Dubljević

Costume design: Maja Mirković

Production: Goethe institute & Station service for contemporary dance

Video: Miloš Janjić

* the work uses a parts of a dramatic text “Scenes of constructed relationships” by Dimitrije Kokanov

Photography by Vladimir Opsenica

Duration: 35 minutes

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Performance’s emergence I 47. MOT I Lokomotiva I (Non)Aligned Movements

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(Non) Aligned Movements / 47. MOT 

Performance’s emergence 

18th November 2022, Friday, 8:00 p.m

@Dancing Hall, MKC 




Artistic director and artistic leader of the project: Aleksandra Janeva Imfeld

Choreography and performance: Koraljka Begović, Aleksandra Janeva Imfeld, Mia Kevo,Larisa Lipovac Navojec, Nives Soldičić,Melita Spahić Bezjak,Irma Unušić

Dramaturgy: Jasmina Založnik

Music: Marin Živković

Light design: Saša Fistrić

Costumes: NDA CRO with influence of Irma Unušić

Choreography assistance: Tamara Curić

Set design: Hrvoje Jelincić

Photo: Fanni Tutek-Hajnal

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Sad Sam Almost 6 by Matija Ferlin I 47. MOT I Lokomotiva I (Non)Aligned Movements

/македонски подолу/


(Non) Aligned Movements / 47. MOT 

Matija Ferlin: Sad Sam Almost 6

17th November 2022, Thursday. 7:00 p.m

@Dancing Hall, MKC 



Created and performed by: Matija Ferlin

Dramaturgy: Katja Praznik

Scenography: Artikl, Silvio Živković

Costums: Artikl

Light design: Urška Vohar, Saša Fistrić

Collaborators: Alexandar Nussbaumer, Mauricio Ferlin, Maja Celija, Maja Delak

Project coordinator: Sabina Potočki

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Premiere of the dance performance “I need a new body” I 47. MOT I LOKOMOTIVA I FIRSTBORN GIRL10 |

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Choreographed bodies programme/ 47. MOT Festival

Premiere of the dance performance

“I need a new body”

16.11.2022, 20 h 

@ Dancing Hall, MKC


Tikets here


Concept and choreography: Viktorija Ilioska in conversation with Nastya Dzyuban, Laura Stellacci

Performance: Viktorija Ilioska and Nastya Dzyuban

Voices: Amélie Haller and Maren Küpper

Design: Julijana Mladenovska

In a world where we enjoy a fake image of endless resources, where we sucked the earth to draw out the last bits, how do we continue to pump? The operation of pumping, that is, moving matters from one location to another, seems to be at the core of most vital processes of both production and reproduction. We draw, suck, elicit, and drain the earth’s body to enrich our lives on it, emptying our future(s). At the same time, we suck, boost, inject and inflate our bodies, transgressing their capacities. Pumping can paradoxically be at the same time capitalist practice of exhaustion as well as the feminist practice of enrichment and enhancement. Once pumped on one side, the other one is being sucked. Perhaps, eventually this piece will be busy with wasting, emptying and exhausting. One thing is certain, “I need a new body” will take place in-between: between a body as an exhibition and a body as a resource while looking at the place where these two intersect.

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(Co)thinking, (co)doing & ongoing (co)questioning: precarious story-sharing

(Co)thinking, (co)doing & ongoing (co)questioning: precarious story-sharing

Anka Herbut, Elena Novakovits, Maša Radi Buh

November 3, 2022 


Conference of Academies at PAF-Performing Arts Forum 

(an encounter on politics and the relevant urgencies within the academic and professional performing arts field initiated by Kunsthøgskolen i Oslo)

28th September  2nd October 2022, St Erme, France


(Co)thinking, (co)doing & ongoing (co)questioning:  precarious story-sharing

Anka HerbutElena Novakovits and Masa Radi Buh

(invited to PAF and mentored by Ana Vujanović in the frame of the Critical Practice (Made in YU) program)

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