We believe that in order to develop the discourse about disability arts it is important to enable disabled artists themselves to reflect and talk about their own work and actively participate with their equally important competences in the further development of inclusion in arts and culture.
Empty Voice/ performance/
In the performance «Empty Voice» performers with learning disabilities present themselves directly by telling their personal stories, recalling their memories, sharing their intimate confessions and statements of their own disability, presenting their condition as a social construction and inviting to a necessary deliberation of the possibility of different social relations.
Future read in concrete and stone/performance/
Wild Cards exchange 2016/17
Situations, Nomad Dance Institute/ Performance Situation Room
Situations is the format developed and conceived by Nomad Dance Academy members Gisela Mueller (Member of board of directors in Tanzfabrik, Berlin), Dragana Alfirevic (Coordinator at Nomad Dance Academy Slovenia) and Biljana Tanurovska Kjulavkovski (Director of Lokomotiva, Center for New Initiatives in Arts and Culture), in order to help develop new formats for understanding of what dance can be and what the role of choreography can be today.
Kultrening 2016-2023
/македонски подолу/
Kultrening (2016-2023)
In the frame of this program, since 2016, Lokomotiva continuously organizes contemporary dance classes for the community (wide community, LGBTIQ, and professional dance community) – Kultrening. In collaboration with local and invited regional, and international choreographers and dancers, in the space of Kino Kultura have been organized classes, free for all interested citizens, regardless if they have any prior knowledge of contemporary dance. Mentors in the previous years of Kultrening are: Ivana Kocevska (ballerina/choreographer), Viktorija Ilioska, Aleksandar Georgiev, Valentino Apostolovski, Aleksandra Petrusevska, Hristina Angelovska, Jovana Zajkova (choreographers), Gisela Muller, Martin Sonderkamp, Dragana Alfirevic, Aleksandra Janeva Imfeld, Zhana Pencheva Dario Barreto Damas, Nastya Dzyuban and Lee Mun Wai (choreographers, professors and dancers), and many others.
Critical Practice_Made in Yugoslavia (3rd Cycle, Second gathering) and Critical Practice Berlin (#1 / International Notice) 26 – 30 August 2016, Berlin
Critical Practice_Made in Yugoslavia (3rd Cycle, Second gathering)
Critical Practice Berlin (#1 / International Notice)
26 – 30 August 2016, Berlin
ARTISTIC RESIDENCY for the Macedonian visual artists Ana Lazarevska in the artistic association 2angles in Flers, Normandy – France 13 June – 02 July 2016
Third cycle of the programme Critical Practice (Made in YU)
/македонски подолу/
About the programme Co-collaboration
This program Lokomotiva developed in order to share resources with partner organizations from the wider civil society and to impact on public policy though themes that concerns social and cultural development.
For this purpose, Lokomotiva invited several partner organizations and individuals who began to develop a plan of collaboration with the civil sector, to rethink how to share the resources, and to give a wider impact and visibility of the civil society activities. In this way, the program will invest in the association, in the division of financial resources, in the creation of conditions of collectives- communities- partnerships who will collaborate and through intersectoral approach will open questions of concerns to citizens.
In the past Lokomotiva, together with Theatre Navigator Cvetko develops the space- project Kino Kultura, dedicated to the development and visibility of contemporary performing arts and contemporary culture. The Open Space program line of Kino Kultura is dedicated to collaboration though co – programming and partnership with the wider civil sector.
This program is developed in collaboration with the working group Open Space and aims to cover collaborations with other partner organizations and networks.
Check for more information on the website of Kino Kultura.
За програмата соработки
Оваа програма Локомотива ја развива со цел да сподели ресурси со партнерски организации од поширокото граѓанско општество и да влијае на јавнате политики преку теми што се однесуваат на социјалниот и културниот развој.
За оваа цел, Локомотива покани неколку партнерски организации и поединци кои започнаа да развиваат план за соработка со граѓанскиот сектор, да размислат како да ги споделат ресурсите и да дадат пошироко влијание и видливост на активностите на граѓанското општество. На овој начин, програмата ќе инвестира во здружението, во поделба на финансиските ресурси, во создавање услови на колективи – заедници – партнерства кои ќе соработуваат и преку меѓусекторски пристап ќе отвори прашања за загриженост до граѓаните.
Во минатото Локомотива, заедно со Театарскиот навигатор Цветко, го развиваа просторно-проектот Кино Култура, посветен на развојот и видливоста на современата изведувачка уметност и современата култура. Програмската линија Отворен простор на Кино Култура е посветена на соработка преку ко-програмирање и партнерство со поширокиот граѓански сектор.
Оваа програма беше развиена во соработка со работната група Отворен простор и има за цел да покрие соработка со други партнерски организации и мрежи.
Проверете за повеќе информации на веб-страницата на Кино Култура.
More activities within the Co-collaboration programme:
European Diploma in Project Management in Culture 2018/2019
FELDENKRAIS METHOD workshop with Nevenka Koprivšek