Lokomotiva is co-curating part of the program of the 42 edition of International Theatre Festival with the selection of the performance “1 POOR and ONE 0”, produced by BADco, Zagreb, Croatia

Lokomotiva programme on MOT

“1 POOR and ONE 0” performance at

42 edition of International Theatre Festival – MOT

produced by BADco, Zagreb, Croatia

Sunday 01.10.2017 , 20:00 

@ Kino Kultura

Directors of the performance are Tomislav Medak and Goran Sergej Pristas, and performers: Pravdan Devlahović, Ivana Ivković, Ana Kreitmeyer, Tomislav Medak, Goran Sergej Pristaš, Nikolina Pristaš, Zrinka Užbinec.

1 poor and one 0 is a twofold performance: while the performers develop the manifold forms of dissolution of the working subject before the audience, the audience is slowly drawn into a process of transformation: from the popular medium of cinema to the political theater of populism.

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Artistic Residency for Natasha Nedelkova (Skopje, Macedonia) in Trogir, Croatia organized in the frame of the project DISSONANT (CO)SPACES – Imagining new institutional models and practices 23/30 September/program MOTEL TROGIR

Aiming to approach the question of public within cultural spaces by involving artists’ perspective based on their research of the contexts and spaces related to the project, we created possibility for three artistic residencies, one in Macedonia and two in Croatia.

Macedonian, Skopje based artists Natasha Nedelkova was invited as artists in residency taking place in Croatia as part of the residency programme MOTEL TROGIR, hosted by the project partner Slobodne Veze form Zagreb, Croatia.

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Artistic Residency for Danilo Prnjat (Belgrade, Serbia) in Skopje – Kino Kultura organized in the frame of the project DISSONANT (CO)SPACES – Imagining new institutional models and practices 19/29 September/Skopje/Kino Kultura

Aiming to approach the question of public within cultural spaces by involving artists’ perspective based on their research of the contexts and spaces related to the project, we created possibility for three artistic residencies, one in Macedonia and two in Croatia.

Danilo Prnjat – artist from Belgrade, Serbia –  was invited as artists in residency taking place in Skopje – Kino Kultura, hosted by Lokomotiva – Skopje.

Danilo Prnjat is an artist who bases his artistic and critical work on criticality of the institution of culture. During his ten-day residency in Skopje, he was invited to explore the institutional structure of the city. His focus will be on the process of transformation of cultural institutions, relations between state/city cultural institutions and institutions of “independent” scene, the overlaps that with the current political changes in Macedonia become more apparent and proposing the draft of one potential critical reflection of these processes.

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Residency program in Workshop Foundation, Budapest in the framework of Life Long Burning (LLB) RESULTS

The jury for the NDA residency program in Workshop Foundation, Budapest in the framework of Life Long Burning (LLB) have announced the results

Besides the criteria of a quality of an artistic proposal, the jury followed the guidelines of the open call prioritizing proposals from Balkans and NDA countries, projects that enhance regional and international collaboration, sharing the knowledge and artistic resources with the NDA network and those projects that give support to NDA’s initiatives for development
of local dance scenes based on collaboration, sharing and openness.

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DANCE WORKS! programme of Life Long Burning (LLB) project RESULTS

The jury for the Dance Works! Programme 2017 consist of Angelina Georgieva, Dejan Srhoj and Aleksandra Janeva Imfeld are announcing the results for the co- production proposals of Life Long Burning (LLB) programme- Dance Works!

Besides the criteria of a quality of the artistic proposal, important aspect for the jury was the relation of the project to the region of the NDA network, part of which is the co-producer Lokomotiva-Skopje, as well as to its aims to enhance regional and international collaboration, sharing knowledge and artistic resources.
Led by these criteria, the jury gave the privilege to the proposal “Make it, make it, don’t fake it” by Darko Dragičević, Esta Matković and Vanja Smiljanić, co-produced by Quartier am Hafen, Cologne STANICA Servis za savremeni ples, Belgrade, JSKD Javni sklad Republike Slovenije za kulturne dejavnosti/Republic of Slovenia

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Презентација со јавна дискусија на студија на добар случај – Мотел Трогир

english below>>>>

Во рамките на јавната дискусија „Каков Офицерски Дом ни треба?“, како дел од АКТО АГОРА – ГРАЃАНИТЕ ЗА ЈАВНОТО ДОБРО – ГРАЃАНИТЕ ЗА ОФИЦЕРСКИ која се одржа на 02 Септември 2017 година, во паркот на Офицерскиот дом, Наташа Бодрожиќ, куратор, културен активист и менаџер во културата, од организацијата Слободне везе, Загреб ги прикажа формите, тактиките и стратегии развиени околу прашањето за заштита на Мотел Трогир како битно архитектонско наследство со колективна и социјална функција во минатото.

Исто како и новата уметничка продукција поврзана со оваа тема развиена во формат на меѓународна резиденцијална програма.

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CO2 existing/ КО2 егзистирање 2017

CO2 existing/ КО2 егзистирање


September 1, 2017

New edition of а breathtaking program

Read here for more, and scroll down for the program of it:



CO2-Fest Happening


@Kino Kultura


We would like to welcome you for the second edition of our festival. This year we are running it under the name of “CO2 Fest Happening”


Fest Happening is a festival format imagined as space at which the structure of curating is not by system of choosing art works, but it’s rather by already chosen participants for the artistic residency, which would propose own works or works done by other artists that they would like to bring for the Macedonian local audience. In this proposed space (in Skopje) we will function through the principle of CO-curation, where CO- becomes the curator for the work that is considered as necessary in certain local performance scene.


On this page you can follow the program of the festival.

Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/coexistance/




01 Sep 19:00 h @Kino Kultura


By Gjorgi Despodov

Duration: 1st – 9th Sep


01 Sep 20:00 @Kino Kultura

MOONLIGHT – Homemade performance

By Aleksandar Georgiev and Dario Bardam

Duration: 40 min


4 Sep 19:00 @Kino Kultura


Nils Rottgardt

Duration: 31:24 Min


5 Sep 20:00 @Kino Kultura

A Living Example – Performance

By Sara Lanner

Duration: 30-40min


6 Sep 20:00 @ABC tennis court , SKopje

INTERVENTIONS IN SPACE – Dance Improvisation

By Iskra Sukarova

Duration: 20min

Dress code: something white to wear


8 Sep 22:00 @Kino Kultura


By Viktorija Ilioska and Filomena Krause

Duration: 3h


9 Sep 20:00 @Kino Kultura

– Performance

By Mads Floor Andersen

Duration: 20-30min


CO2 Fest- Happening is supported by Kino Kultura- space for contemporary performing arts and culture, Lokomotiva-Center for New Initiatives in Art and Culture, EEPAP (East European Performing Arts Platform) #EEPAP ,#Lublin, EU culture program in the frame of Life Long Burning project (LLB ), City of Skopje



01.09-09-09.2017 КО2 егзистирање

Ново издание на програмата која ќе ти го одземе воздухот

Научете повеќе тука, а подолу погледнете ја програмата


КО2-Фестивалско Случување


@Кино Култура


Со задоволство ве покануваме на второто издание на фестивалот под името “КО2 Фестивалско Случување”


Фестивалско Случување е фестивалски формат замислен како простор во кој структурата на кураторството не е преку систем на избор на уметнички дела, туку преку веќе избраните учесници за уметничката резиденција КО2- егзистирање. Тие предложуваат сопствени дела или дела создадени од други уметници, кои тие би сакале да ги донесат за македонската локална публика. Во овој предложен простор (во Скопје) ќе функционираме преку принципот на КО-курирање, каде КО-станува куратор за делото што се смета за неопходно во одредена локална сцена.


На оваа страница можете да ја следите програмата на фестивалот.

Фејсбук страница: https://www.facebook.com/coexistance/





01 Сеп 19:00 во Кино Култура


од Ѓоѓи Десподов

Времетрање: 1ви -9ти Сеп


01 Сеп 20:00 во Кино Култура

MOONLIGHT- домашен перформанс

од Александар Георгиев и Дарио Бардам

Времетраење: 40 мин


04 Сеп 19:00 во Кино Култура

„Боговите мораат да бидат водоводџии“ – филмска проекција

од Нилс Ротгарт

Времетраење: 31:24 мин


05 Сеп 20:00 во Кино Култура

„Животен пример“ – Перформанс

од Сара Ланер

Времетраење: 30-40 мин


06 Сеп 20:00 АБЦ – тениско игралиште, Скопје

ИНТЕРВЕНЦИИ ВО ПРОСТОР – танцова импровизација

од Искра Шукарова

Времетрање: 20 мин

Dress code: something white to wear


8 Сеп 22:00 во Кино Култура


од Викторија Илиоска и Филомена Крауз

Времетрање: 3ч


9 Сеп 20:00 во Кино Култура

– Перформанс

од Мес Флор Андерсен

Времетраење: 20- 30 мин


Програмата на КО- Фестивалско случување е поддржана од Кино Култура- простор за современи изведувачки уметности и култура, ЛОКОМОТИВА- Центар за Нови Иницијативи во уметности и културата, EEPAP (East European Performing Arts Platform)#EEPAP , #Lublin, EU програма за култура во рамките на проектот Life Long Burning (LLB ), Град Скопје



CO2-existing 2017


CO-organizer: Nomad Dance Academy Macedonia.

CO-creators: Elena Risteska, Aleksandar Georgiev and Viktorija Ilioska.

CO-participants: Mads Floor Andersen, Sara Lanner, Nina Gojic, Nils Rottgardt, Darío Barreto Damas, Filomena Krause, Milica Pisic, Gjorgji Despodov, Iskra Sukarova, Valentino Apostolovski, Viktorija Ilioska, Elena Risteska, Aleksandar Georgiev and Cicilia Ostholm.

CO-supporters: Kino Kultura-Space for contemporary performing arts and culture, Lokomotiva-Center for New Initiatives in Arts and Culture, EEPAP (East European Performing Arts Platform), EU culture program in the frame of Life Long Burning project (LLB) and City of Skopje.

CO-location: Kino Kultura-Space for contemporary performing arts and culture.

“about co-being, co-performing, co-rehearsing, co-existing, co-practicing, co-llaborating”

Lead by the slogan “Invite us to invite you”, which comes out of our work processes and methods, we would like to share the second edition of our program CO-, CO2-existing. We are inviting you to read this report and CO-witness new artistic practices and proposals. This year there are 14 participants from different places and contexts.

CO2-existing (01.09.2017-09.09.2017) program contains artistic residency, closed-door meetings for strategies of development of the local dance scene in Macedonia and the region, and CO2- Fest Happening.

About CO2-

CO2-existing is initiated and run by Nomad Dance Academy Macedonia. This project involves exchange on an artistic and discursive level. CO2-existing is a project/laboratory that invites teams of artists, engaged in works that are in progress or research platforms. The artists are from different fields so it could cover the necessities and perspectives that are needed for possible artistic collaborations. The artists are: choreographers, performers, dramaturgs, visual artists, contemporary theater actors/actresses, producers, photographers and sound artists. Even though participants are invited to collaborate, the format allows for each individual to have time, space and facilities for pursuing individual artistic interests. Every artist invited have the space and facilities to propose any desired format for strengthening and questioning their work. Specific collaborations within the structure are initiated and realized through each artist, by their own force and motivation.

CO2 Fest Happening is a festival which co-curatorial structure is rules by the participants of CO2-existing; they propose own works or works done by other artists that they would like to bring for the Macedonian local audience.

CO2-meetings are closed-door meetings for discussing and analyzing approaches and strategies regarding the alternative production modes on level of locality and its networking with already established connections.

The proposal of CO2- was to offer space for exploring collective thinking for alternative production modes and working with artists coming from different artistic contexts and backgrounds. The initial drive was the needs of each artist towards its own art, in relation to the emerging collectivity and exchanges happening in the realm of cultural production.

Throughout the process, we expanded our personal artistic intuitions but also pathways of doing things together and sharing knowledge in common discursive grounds. We established the daily morning practice of CO-dreaming in relation to our needs for our artistic work or exchange as a platform for giving space for different systems to exist parallel in symbiosis. Proximity to colleagues and shared spaces with other co-participants created opportunity to initiate further collaborations and being part of each other’s processes.

The project has been hosted at Kino Kultura – a stage located in the central part of Skopje, providing platforms for contemporary performing arts and gathering artists from different fields.

Throughout the project we had twenty-four/ seven accessibility to this rehearsal and office space, along with an on-demand technician. CO-existing was the first project to be hold in this space.

The use of theater space for the realization of our CO-DREAMS, allowed the proposals to have sufficient grounding to expand. During these two weeks we held open public presentation of the laboratory outcomes, workshops engaging the local scene, open discussion platforms and high quality artistic works presented in CO2-Fest Happening. All of these segments made significant contribution for the development of the local scene and artists as well as contribution to the exchange knowledge between the participants.

Континуирани средби на работната група за Офицерски Дом

Како дел од повеќе работни средби во рамките на проектот „Културни простори за активни граѓани“, се направи истражување за состојбата околу припадноста на на Офицерски Дом во Битола, препораки за просторот и неговото користење и предлог јавна акција во рамки на АКТО фестивалот во 2017 година.

Учество во работењето на групата имаат:
Филип Јовановски и Ивана Васева (ФРУ), Биљана Тануровска Ќулавковски (Локомотива) Никола Наумовски (соработник член на Плоштад слобода, активист и експерт во организирање на застапувачки процеси), Весна Кочанкова (кустос во НУ Музеј и завод Битола), Александар Литовски (историчар во НУ Музеј и завод Битола), Благојче Котески (советник во општина Битола) Александар Јовановски (АКТО фестивал Битола, граѓанска иницијатива „ Битола не е на продажба“), Влатко Деловски (граѓанска иницијатива „Битола не е на продажба“).
Во текот на 2017 година оваа група реализираше неколку средби поврзани со работни сесии и план на акции и тоа во јуни (28/29), јули (19), август (18/21), септември (2).
Работата на оваа група опфати: истражување за припадноста на Офицерски дом со фокус на прашањата: Кој е сопственик? Во чие владение е? Кои се моменталните планови на институциите во врска со овој објект? Кои се алтернативите кои кружат меѓу одлучувачите?

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