Зелен уметнички пристап и продукција: Tрета резиденција во рамки на проектот RE-IMAGINE

*** македонски подолу***
Struga, North Macedonia | 25-31 August 2024 – The International Summer School “Curating in Context” returns for its fourth edition, offering a unique platform for rethinking curatorial practices in contemporary art and beyond. Organized by Lokomotiva and curated by Biljana Tanurovska-Kjulavkovski, this year’s program is set to take place from 25th to 31st August 2024 in Struga.
The team of Lokomotiva is present on the second residency within the RE-IMAGINE project entitled Sustainable Preproduction hosted by Pro Progressione, happening July 25-28 in the city of Veszprem and the forests around it.
***македонски подолу***
As part of its program in 2024, Lokomotiva supports the artists Teodora Ezovska and Tereza Lazarev with diverse actions that enable them to develop their artistic practice.
25-31 August 2024
The 2024 International Summer School “Curating in Context” is the 4th edition of the school which evolved from an online platform during the pandemic to becoming part of the “Curatorial Practice in Context” course in 2022. This year, we envision it as a meeting space where participants will join colleagues with diverse experience as curators for developing specific approaches tailored to their contexts.
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„Radical Cheerleading“- A piece about dance as a form of protest
„…power for the people: use your body… use your voice… make a choice…“
LOKOMOTIVA invites you to “RADICAL CHEERLEADING“, the second performance within the PERFORMANCE PLATFORM FESTIVAL directed by Zufit Simon, on May 21st starting from 20:00 at Youth Cultural Centre.
/македонски подолу/
United again, this time through their festivals Performance Platform Festival (PPF) & Firstborn Girl (PPZH), Lokomotiva and Tiiiit Inc. are inviting you to the performance WORLD WITHOUT WOMEN by Olga Dimitrijević and Maja Pelević.