Premiere of “Echoes of S” by Aleksandar Georgiev

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 Contemporary choreography and dance/ Choreographed bodies

“Echoes of S” landscaped choreographic work by Aleksandar Georgiev

@Skopje Pride Weekend Festival

Thursday, 02 June 20:30 h

@ Museum of Contemporary Art Skopje

Echoes of S is an artistic proposal by the choreographer Aleksandar Georgiev within the frame of his ongoing interest around “anal politics”. In this work, Aleksandar choreographs a collaboration with the photo artist Martin Atanasov and creates an environment that activates the spaces between live performance and photography, focusing on the poetic potentials the anus entails, conceptually and physically.

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Exhibition “Ecstatic Bodies: Archive of Performative Queer Bodies in Macedonia” at the Museum of Contemporary Art Skopje

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Programme Art Institution Politics Body / AIPB

Exhibition “Ecstatic Bodies: Archive of Performative Queer Bodies in Macedonia”

Curators: Slavcho Dimitrov and Biljana Tanurovska-Kjulavkovski

Skopje Pride Weekend 10 / Ecstatic Bodies

02 June 20:30 h.

@ Museum of Contemporary Art – Skopje


with: Wolfgang Tillmans | Nora Stojanovic | Milosh Kodzoman and Dragoljub Bezan| Hristina Ivanoska | Velimir Zernovski |Yane Chalovski | Sands Murray Wassink | Kocho Andonovski | Natasha Geleva | STEAM ROOM | Aleksandar Georgiev | Viktorija Ilioska | Laura Fer| Mirko Popov | Zoran Ristevski-Bajbe | Ivana Dragsic | Sonja Ismail |TEMPLUM | Euro-Balkan Institute |Institute for Social Sciences and Humanities Skopje | Museum of Contemporary Arts | FRIK Festival | First Born Girl | Skopje Pride Weekend|

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Skopje Pride Weekend 10 “Ecstatic Bodies”

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Skopje Pride Weekend 10 | Ecstatic Bodies

Co-collaboration Programme 

 02 – 11, June 2022

@ Museum of Contemporary Art / YCC/ KSP Jadro/ S26/ Mala stanica/ Skopje


📅 02 June (Thursday) 20:30 h. Museum of Contemporary Art Skopje

„Ecstatic Bodies: Archive of Performative Queer Bodies in Macedonia“ – Exhibition –

Curators: Slavcho Dimitrov and Biljana Tanurovska-Kjulavkovski

with: Wolfgang Tillmans | Nora Stojanovic | Milosh Kodzoman and Dragoljub Bezan | Hristina Ivanoska | Velimir Zernovski | Yane Chalovski | Sands Murray Wassink | Kocho Andonovski | Natasha Geleva | STEAM ROOM | Aleksandar Georgiev | Viktorija Ilioska | Laura Fer | Mirko Popov | Zoran Ristevski-Bajbe | Ivana Dragsic | Sonja Ismail | TEMPLUM | Euro-Balkan Institute | Institute for Social Sciences and Humanities Skopje | Museum of Contemporary Arts | FRIK Festival | First Born Girl | Skopje Pride Weekend |

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ACT: Art, Climate, Transition/ Partners meeting at Multimedia Institute MaMa, Zagreb, Croatia

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ACT: Art, Climate, Transition/ Partners meeting/ Networking

May 24-25, 2022

@ Multimedia Institute MaMa, Zagreb, Croatia


On 24th and 25th of May representatives of Lokomotiva attended ACT Network meetings held in Zagreb as part of the Art Climate Transition project.

During these 2 days the program, organised by Domino, Zagreb was followed by representatives of the project partners: Art Admin/London, Bunker/Ljubljana, Kaai Theater/Brussels, COAL/Paris, Domino/Zagreb, Kampnagel/Hamburg, NTIL/Riga, Rotterdam Theatre/Rotterdam, The Change Management Research Group/ The Hague, and Lokomotiva/Skopje.

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At the edge of climate catastrophe: Art, culture, ecology and policy making in the 21st century, conference in MoCA

At the edge of climate catastrophe:

Art, culture, ecology and policy making in the 21st century

Conference/  May 20-21, 2022

@ Museum of Contemporary Art – Skopje


“Culture is an important part of humanity. Development agencies, religious leaders, and academic institutions are increasingly recognising its central role in the political, economic and social life of communities. A focus on culture is important to environmentalists as well as to traditional communities. Too often, when we talk about conservation, we don’t think about culture. But we human beings have evolved in the environment in which we find ourselves. For every one of us, wherever we were, the environment shaped us: it shaped our values; it shaped our bodies; it shaped our religion. It really defined who we are and how we see ourselves.”

Wangari Maathai: The Cracked Mirror, Resurgence Magazine, November 11, 2004


This conference was conceptualized as a platform that brings together theoreticians and practitioners of various kinds to share and discuss knowledge about the possible ways of transforming the future into a livable one, for both humans and non-humans (in an ecofeminist, post-colonial framework of care, solidarity and anticapitalism). The conference is part of the activity “Other Spaces”, from the EU project “ACT – Art, Climate, Transition”, which consists of lectures, discussions, artistic research, discursive programmes and other formats. Through them, we try to open up spaces for reflecting, questioning and mapping the role and responsibility of culture and art in our society and their political action; including their relation to issues of extractivism, erosion/appropriation and preservation/development of the commons and the environmental catastrophe.

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Mural painting and educational program for the Egyptian Vulture at the primary school “Goce Delchev”

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ACT: Art Climate Transition/ Your birds, our birds – campaign

Opening of a mural painting of the Egyptian Vulture by Dorotej Neshovski

Children’s workshop for mural painting and making bird masks

Lecture and presentation for the Egyptian Vulture by Nenad Petrovski 

Friday, May 13, 2022/ 9:00 – 12:00 

@ primary school “Goce Delchev”, Skopje


Lokomotiva аs partner of the project ACT: Art Climate Transition,  is one of the partners in the campaign “Your birds, our birds” which is organized in Marseille and in the member countries of the ACT network in Europe. The campaign brings together 10 cultural and art organizations from 10 European countries that will create a mural and a programmme to give visibility for a certain rare bird in the region in which they operate. The project ACT puts the stories of these 10 murals into a collection across Europe, to be presented September 2022 online and onsite.

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Critical Practice (Made in Yu) at the Feminist Futures Festival in Amiens and Lisbon

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Critical practice (Made in Yugoslavia) 

Feminist Futures Festival in Amiens and Lisbon

April 19, 2022


La Maison de la Culture d’Amiens and Teatro Nacional D. Maria II have teamed up in an exceptional way to organize the Feminist Futures Festival, a unique venture shared between Lisbon and Amiens from January 17 to 29, 2022. This festival is part of the Feminist Futures project by the apap network.

The participants of the Critical Practice programme attended the programmes co-curated by the two institutions in both cities from 20 to 27 January and participated to several open and internal debates that questioned the issues of feminist curating, feminist festival and institutional model, critical reflection of decolonization in performing arts, feminist dance and performance practices etc.

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Critical Movement Residency with Nina Gojić, Darío Barreto Damas, Viktorija Ilioska, and Aleksandar Georgiev

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(Non)Aligned Movement/Critical Movement Residency

Research residency with Nina Gojić, Darío Barreto Damas, Viktorija Ilioska, and Aleksandar Georgiev

April 16 – 24, 2022

@ Mladinski Kulturen Centar/MKC (Youth Cultural Center)


Lokomotiva is hosting Critical Movement Residency that is aimed to support collaboration in the field of dance and choreography with the dramaturg Nina Gojić and choreographers and performers Darío Barreto Damas, Viktorija Ilioska, and Aleksandar Georgiev.

This residence will investigate the choreography and dance practices of the authors active in the region, throughout the process of discussion, thinking and writing together. Their work and research intend to deepen the choreographic processes through dramaturgical collaboration and sharing.

During the residency four authors will also meet local artists and cultural workers and will extend their collaborative network.

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POETIC BODIES research residence by Zhana Pencheva  

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Contemporary choreography and dance/ Research residence and presentation

POETIC BODIES with Zhana Pencheva

11-15th April 2022

@ Youth Cultural Center


ICC (Imaginative Choreographic Center) together with Lokomotiva – Center for a new initiative in art and culture, in the period from 11 to 15 April 2022 organized the research residence of the program line of POETRY BODIES, led by Zana Penceva. During the selection process Iskra Prodanova artist, Jovana Zajkova, dance artist, Jovan Gakovski, artist and performer, and Kiril Gjorevski were selected and contributed and shared their practices in Youth Cultural Centre in Skopje, North Macedonia. POETIC BODIES is a program line that offers the infrastructure to dig into an artistic interest or topic under the frame of situation. ICC proposes a situation as a short research guided by a specific artist who is joined by professionals from the field from the region under the role of co-researchers. A situation takes place throughout a working week.

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Premiere of “Dance baby, dance” by Zhana Pencheva in the Youth Cultural Center

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Art Politics Institution Body/ Premiere of the choreographic work

“Dance baby, dance” by Zhana Pencheva 

April 11th, 2022, 20:00  

@ Youth Cultural Center


Dance baby, dance is work of a choreographic research focused on the relational potentialities that can occur when people come together and dance.

Work is seen as a choreographic concert with specific pathways and internal rules, where 6 kinetic/dancing bodies go through a variety of situations – flirtation, mystery, transparency, illogicality, irritability and other sensitive spaces.

The concert is submerged in a party-club-like atmosphere and showered with contemporary electronic and pop music.

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