Open Call: 4th International Summer School “Curating in Context”, Struga, North Macedonia

25-31 August 2024

The 2024 International Summer School “Curating in Context” is the 4th edition of the school which evolved from an online platform during the pandemic to becoming part of the “Curatorial Practice in Context” course in 2022. This year, we envision it as a meeting space where participants will join colleagues with diverse experience as curators for developing specific approaches tailored to their contexts.


This year we want to focus on the politics of curatorial practice based on collaborative, ecofeminist and convivial approaches.


We kindly invite you to apply

  • if you are interested in exploring and developing curatorial ideas through these lenses together with lecturers, hosts and other guests, and think, critically reflect, discuss and develop interdisciplinary curatorial approaches for your ideas
  • if you are interested in curating in performing arts, or as performative action at the intersection of dance, theatre, and visual arts,
  • if you would like to develop a specific curatorial approach related to your working environment, exploring policies and politics of the context(s), which convey an awareness of diverse issues related to gender politics, feminism, green transformation and anti-extractivist practices.
  • if you are interested in developing ideas and critically reflecting together on curatorial strategies and practices as socially aware activists, enabling the creation of better working conditions


Exchanges will be organized in the format of lectures, workshops, mentoring sessions, group work as well as exchanges among each other, local artists and communities.


We are creating the school as a convivial space surrounded by exceptional nature and biosphere, in the city and its vicinity with vivid (past and present) cultural life.


The 2024 International Summer School “Curating in Context” provides 7 tuitions for participants that include fees for participation, travel (up to 350 euros) and accommodation.




Background of the International Summer School “Curating in Context”:

This year’s event in Struga is the fourth edition of the International Summer School program that started as a program of the Erasmus+ supported collaborative project “Curating in Context” (2019-2021) , co-organized between two NGOs (Tanzfabrik Berlin and Lokomotiva Skopje), and two Higher Education Institutions (Stockholm University of the Arts and University of Zagreb). The third edition was part of the Freestanding Course “Curatorial Practice in Context” within the Stockholm University of the Arts program and was organized in collaboration with Lokomotiva.


More information on the previous sessions is available at, under the section Curating in Context, and


Application deadline: 1 July 2024


Required Documents:

  • CV of the applicant
  • Motivation letter outlining the curatorial idea

Submission: Send the required documents to


  • Practitioners at the MA level
  • Participants from all over the world, but tuition will be given priorly to those from the post-Yugoslavia region, South, semi-peripheries of Europe, hidden spaces of Europe and then, the rest.
International Summer School “Curating in Context” 2024 is supported by the Ministry of Culture of North Macedonia,  Goethe Institute in Skopje, Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung and Performance Situation Room / LLB 3 project funded by Creative Europe. 
Project partners are Nomad Dance Academy www.nomaddanceacademy.orgDIVERT kolektiv Zagreb and House of Culture in Struga.