/македонски подолу/
LocoMotion – Festival for Contemporary Dance and Performance
In 2008 Lokomotiva established LocoMotion – Festival for Contemporary Dance and Performance, in partnership with six organizations from the region – the founders of Balkan Dance Network Project and NOMAD Dance Academy – NDA.
The idea for establishing this festival together with several others festivals in the region came from the need for opening new spaces for production, presentation and visibility of the contemporary performing arts, spaces that do not exist and must be created. Therefore, besides LocoMotion, the NDA partners have also established the following festivals: Kondenz in Belgrade, Zvrk in Sarajevo, Antistatic in Sofia and PLESkavica in Ljubljana; which created a regional festivals’ network in which frame the partners support, collaborate and share practices, information, dance works and performances among each other.
This festival allow re-establishment of regional ties, contacts and centers (Belgrade, Zagreb, Sofia, Ljubljana, Sarajevo, Thessaloniki, Athens, etc.), expanding partnerships in European frames and contextualizing contemporary performing or performance arts as an art form. The role of the festival was to broaden perceptions of the new, innovative performing arts forms as part of the European urban units.
Part of the regional and international partners of the festival: Fico Balet (Slovenia), Station (Serbia) BrainStore (Bulgaria), Dance Web (Austria), 4Culture (Romania), CCN Montpellier (France), Cullberg Ballet (Sweden), Het Veem Theater (Netherlands), Tala Dance Center (Croatia), Uferstudios (Germany), Ultima Vez (Belgium), Workshop Foundation (Hungary), workspacebrussels (Belgium) Tancelarija (Bosnia and Herzegovina) Intercult (Sweden), Movement Research (USA) and others.
The festival was introduced as one of the relevant festivals of contemporary dance and performance in the region of Central and Eastern Europe, in the journal Kulturführer Mitteleuropa 2015.
LocoMotion festival aimed to present the latest achievements in the field of contemporary performing arts from Europe, the region, and Macedonia, and to create discursive practices that will redefine the position of this contemporary art form in Macedonia and wider in Europe.
Main goal of the festival was to mark the recent trends of European, regional and Macedonian contemporary performing arts scene by presenting the latest author’s works and new innovative artistic practices and researches, which will position our country on world map of contemporary performing arts and will enable track of the regional and international scene.
The Innovation and interdisciplinary approach used in the development of LocoMotion festival enables introduction of new models of curating, programme development and cooperation between different cultural actors and professionals from the field of contemporary performing arts and related disciplines. The festival was regarded not only as a presentation, but also as an extension of the boundaries of contemporary performing arts (contemporary dance, performance, music and visual performance etc.) through implementation of programme activities such as workshops, debates and discussions that will developed different discourses on the position of this art field in European, regional and local frames.
The national cultural production is the social and cultural capital in which we must invest, the one that will further on create an image of development of the Macedonian context. The festival with its programme content had influence on the professionals in Macedonia to become more involved in the development of contemporary performing arts on national level. Moreover, this festival supported the development of the local scene and opened possibilities for contextualization of the development of contemporary dance in the wider regional context, thereby enabling greater visibility of the contemporary art scene as well as in international frameworks.
Each festival edition had recent contemporary production of authors from Europe and worldwide. In the 8 festival editions we had: Francesco Scavetta (Norway/ Italy), Isabelle Schad and Bruno Pocheron (Germany/France), Bara Kolenc, Jurij Konjar, Goran Bogadnovski, Snjezana Premus, Primož Bezjak (Slovenia), Dalija Acin Thelander (Serbia), Iskra Sukarovia I Dejan Srhoj (Macedonia/Slovenia), Aleksandra Janeva Imfeld (Croatia/ Belgium), Swaziland dance company linga, Maud Liardon (Schwizerland), Mårten Spångberg, Ingrid Cogne, John Thelander, Emma Kim Hagdahl, Marcus Doverud (Sweden), Clement Layes (France), Dragana Bulut (Serbia), Willy Prager (Bulgaria), Sonja Predrag (Croatia/ Germany), Martin Schick an Fufa d’ Imbolite (Schwizerland), For Wand of a Better … # 7 (France), Jolika Sudermann & Alma Söderberg (Germany/Sweden), Milka Djordjevich, Madeline Zariabets, Ursula Eagly, Emily Sweeney, Peter Sciscioli (USA), Martín Lanz Landázuri (Mexico/USA), Kohji Setoh (Japan), Ana Mrak, Bosiljka Vujović Mažuran, Dina Ekštajn, Matea Bilosnić, Ana Vnučec, Branko Bankovic (Croatia), company Saudade (Belgium), Igor Koruga (Serbia), Angela Kecinski (Germany), Mariana Tengner Barros (Portugal), Marko Gutić Mižimakov, Tara Ivanišević, Ivana Rončević (Croatia) and others.
Also we supported and presented the works from the students of Nomad Dance Academy: Elia Mrak Blumberg (USA), Zhana Pencheva (Bulgaria), Aleksandar Georgiev (Macedonia/ Bulgaria), CélineLarrere and Jana Jevtović (France/ Canada), Pierre Yves Diacon (Switzerland) and others.
The festival program had a unique and original concept.
The basic program of the festival consisted of: international performances, achievements of recent Macedonian productions, discursive practice and off-program, which covered the program of workshops, debates, discussions and lectures and trans-disciplinary cooperation.
Each edition of Locomotion had specific headline to mark the motto of the festival.
In the concept of the festival there were discursive programs, consisting of discussions, workshops, researches, debates, lecture-performance, etc. and the off-program consists of presentations and collaborations between artists in other related fields-music, visual arts.
Part of the festival program of previous editions implemented in discursive and off-program:
Lectures: Ana Vujanovic, Professor of Performance Studies Academy in Hamburg; Aldo Milohnić , assistant professor of history of theater at the University of Ljubljana Academy of Theatre, Radio, Film and Television; Rok Vevar, dramaturge and theorist in performing arts (Slovenia); Martin Spangberg, choreographer (Sweden) and others.
Conversations with artists-guests at the festival moderated by: Marialena Maruda (Greece / Germany) Jasmina Založnik (Slovenia)
Workshops/interactive programs for audience: How to make a festival with 100 EUR and 1 million EUR, concept edited by Ivana Vaseva and Biljana Tanurovska Kjulavkovski; Coffee talk by Peter Miles (Sweden) conducted by Alexander Georgiev; contemporary dance movements and exercises for an audience by Tehvan Ratsanik and Thorvald Silver (Slovenia); Talk by Ingrid Cash (Sweden), Need for Network by Ludvig Daae (France) and others.
Professional workshops with choreographers- guests of the festival for teachers and students of NBUC Ilija Nikovski Luj.
Impro music session: Kohji Setoh (Japan) and Aleksandar Pejovski (Macedonia)
Projections of films about contemporary dance and performance.
Presentation and meeting organized in Skopje by APAP – European network for promoting the performing arts. The network was collaborating with LOKOMOTIVA to support some Macedonian artists in 2014/2015. Organisations: SZENE Salzburg (AT), Arts Centre BUDA Kortrijk (BE), BIT Teatergarasjen Bergen (NO), Centrale Fies Dro (IT), Fundacja Cialo/Umysl Warsaw (PL), Maison de la Culture dʼAmiens (FR), Student Centre Zagreb – Culture of Change (HR), Tanzfabrik Berlin (DE).
ЛОКОМОУШН – фестивал за современ танц и перформанс (2008-2016)
Фестивалот настана во 2008 година како иницијатива на Локомотива, и во партнерство со шест организации од регионот основачи на Балканската танцова мрежа и проектот НОМАД танц академија.
Фестивалот за современ танц и перформанс Локомоушн има за цел да ги презентира најновите остварувања во доменот на современите изведувачки уметности (современ танц, перформанс, театар) во Европа, регионот и Македонија, и да отвори дискурс за позицијата на оваа современа уметничка форма во Европа и кај нас.
Главната цел е преку прикажување на најнови авторски остварувања да се одбележат новите тенденции на европската, регионалната и македонската сцена и да се прикажат новите иновативни уметнички тенденции и истражувања кои преку овој фестивал ќе ја позиционираат Македонија, на светската карта на современите изведувачки или перформативни уметности како и да овозможиме следење на регионалната и интернационалната сцена.
Досега се реализирани осум фестивалски изданија во кои македонската публика имаше можност да проследи бројни имиња на реномирани автори и компании од Европа, регионот и Македонија, меѓу кои: Франческо Скавета (Норвешка/Италија), Изабел Шад и Бруно Пошерон (Греманија/Франција), Бара Коленц, Јуриј Коњар, Горан Бодановски, Снежана Премуш и Примож Бежјак (Словенија), Далија Ачин (Србија), Искра Шукарова и Дејан Срхој (Македонија/Словенија), Александра Јанева Имфилд (Хрватска/Белгија), Швајцарската компанија Линга, Мод Лиардон (Швајцарија), Мартин Спамберг, Ингрид Когне, Џон Тајлендер, Ема Ким Хагдал, Маркус Доверуд (Шведска), Вили Прагер (Бугарија) и Соња Преград (Хрватска/Германија), Мартин Шик и Фуфа д’Имобилите (Швајцарија), For Wand of a Better … # 7 (Франција), Судерман и Содерберг (Германија/Шведска), Милка Џорџевиќ, Урсула Игли, Емили Свиниј, Питер Скискиоли (САД), Мартин Ланц Ландазури (Мексико/САД), Коџи Сето (Јапонија), Адриана Ле Селва (Белгија), Ангела Кецински (Германија), Драгана Заревска, Александар Георгиев, Кире Миладиноски, Викторија Илиоска, Климент Попоски, Ана Јосифовска, Кире Ѓорески (Македонија), Сабрина Железник (Словенија/Македонија) и други.
Студентите од Номад танц академија: Елија Мрак Блумберг (САД), Кире Миладиноски, Кире Ѓорески, Викторија Илиоска (Македонија), Жана Пенчева (Бугарија), Александар Георгиев (Македонија/Бугарија), Селин Ларер и Јана Јевтовиќ (Франција/Канада), Пјер Ив Дијакон (Швајцарија) и други.
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