- Ministry of Culture of the Republic of North Macedonia
- Municipality of Centar
- City of Skopje
- Movement Research
- Goethe Institut Skopje
- Co-funded by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union
- Erasmus + program for Education, Training, Youth and Sport of the European Union
Past donators:
European Commission Culture Programme (2007-2013) |
- European Commission Culture Programme
- Balkans Arts and Culture Fund
- Central European Initiative
- Association – Society for Macedonian-German friendship and cooperation
- Association of Local Democracy Agencies – ALDA
- Allianz Cultural Foundation
- British Council Macedonia
- CIVICA Mobilitas Programme – implemented by the Center for Institutional Development – CIRa and is financially supported by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)
- Embassy of the United States Skopje, Macedonia
- European Cultural Foundation
- Foundation Open Society Macedonia
- Goethe Institute Belgrade
- Goethe Institute Skopje
- KulturKontakt Austria
- La Région de Basse Normandie
- l’Institut français de Skopje
- Robert Bosch Stiftung
- Swiss Arts Council Prohelvetia
- Swiss Cultural Programme in the Western Balkans
- The Suitcase Fund (USA)
- The Trust for Mutual Understanding (USA)
- UNDP Macedonia
- USAID – Macedonia