Open Call: 4th International Summer School “Curating in Context”, Struga, North Macedonia

25-31 August 2024

The 2024 International Summer School “Curating in Context” is the 4th edition of the school which evolved from an online platform during the pandemic to becoming part of the “Curatorial Practice in Context” course in 2022. This year, we envision it as a meeting space where participants will join colleagues with diverse experience as curators for developing specific approaches tailored to their contexts.

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20 years of LOKOMOTIVA

/македонски подолу/
It’s been 20 years of coexistence of the community called Lokomotiva which was, not so peacefully, steering and sailing through our macadams… but still, if we look back to some point in 2003, we see a path, a very colorful one, full of sound, filled with lots of art, breaking lances, different crosswinds, more art, conversations, laughter, research, various challenges, struggles, victories, many lessons learned, communities created, spaces and changes we wanted…
A long journey is yet ahead of us, but this year, we will take a little break to say thank you to all of us who see ourselves as part of that coexistence, as collaborators, as audience and as friends, as those without whom Lokomotiva would never have been possible.
We want to dedicate this year to what that coexistence was based on for the past 20 years, i.e. to what makes Lokomotiva what it is – the collaborations here, in the region and beyond, research in art and cultural policies, commitment to the production and presentation of contemporary art , advocating for the needs of artists and cultural workers, creating new thinking spaces and discursive perspectives, new pedagogies and methods of how we learn together, how we build the community through solidarity and spaces where we create and coexist…

Thanks to Ana Jovanovska who is behind the design of this jubilee.

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Conference: How Can We Move? Ecological Perspectives on Contemporary Dance

European Dancehouse Network/ Conference

How Can We Move? Ecological Perspectives on Contemporary Dance

14 November 2022 @ Online


Register here


EDN is organizing an online conference to which artists, cultural practitioners, academics, and local and international policy makers are invited. The conference on 14 November between 10:00 and 13:00 will coincide with the release and public presentation of EDN’s upcoming research publication. Register by 10 November 2022.

How can we move? This question is a common thread running through EDN’s 2022 activities. The conference will bring together conversations, thoughts, and actions around the theme of ecological sustainability. The annual online closing event on November 14, 2022, titled “How Can We Move? Ecological Perspectives on Contemporary Dance,” will bring together participants from within and outside the network and the sector, address burning issues for the sector and for society and culture more broadly, and present the results of all annual project activities.

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