/македонски подолу/
(Non) Aligned Movements / 47. MOT
Performance’s emergence
18th November 2022, Friday, 8:00 p.m
@Dancing Hall, MKC
Tickets: https://bileti.mkc.mk/index.php?id=1166
Artistic director and artistic leader of the project: Aleksandra Janeva Imfeld
Choreography and performance: Koraljka Begović, Aleksandra Janeva Imfeld, Mia Kevo,Larisa Lipovac Navojec, Nives Soldičić,Melita Spahić Bezjak,Irma Unušić
Dramaturgy: Jasmina Založnik
Music: Marin Živković
Light design: Saša Fistrić
Costumes: NDA CRO with influence of Irma Unušić
Choreography assistance: Tamara Curić
Set design: Hrvoje Jelincić
Photo: Fanni Tutek-Hajnal