“Blurring the Background: Black Performance as Political Ontology” Lecture by Thomas F. DeFrantz

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“Socio-Political Agency of Contemporary Dance” Project

“Blurring the Background: Black Performance as Political Ontology”

Lecture by Thomas F. DeFrantz

28 October 2022 at 19:00 h

@ Kino Frosina, Youth Cultural Center


Lokomotiva – Centre for new initiatives in arts and culture (Skopje), in collaboration with The Chocolate Factory Theatеr (New York), New Dramaturgies Platform (Sofia), Stanica/Station Service for contemporary dance (Belgrade), Movement Research Inc. (New York) is inviting you to the “Blurring the Background: Black Performance as Political Ontology” lecture by Thomas F. DeFrantz.

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Kultrening/ Choreography and dance workshop “Sensitive Body“ with Tereza Lazarev

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Kultrening/ Choreography and dance workshop

“Sensitive Body“ with Tereza Lazarev

October 18, 5:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m

@ Youth Cultural Center


LOKOMOTIVA – Center for New Initiatives in Art and Culture invites you to the second KULTRENING/Choreography and dance workshop “Sensitive Body” with Teresa Lazarev at the Youth Cultural Center (MKC).

The workshop is open to participants with or without previous dance experience. Sign up by email at kultrening@gmail.com by October 17, the number of participants is limited.

The “Sensitive Body” workshop is composed of three parts:

1) embodying

2) practicing

3) sharing

Through working with different images the participants together with Tereza, will try to create a space for rising awareness of personal moving patterns, while creating a space for explore new ones. Working on their own, with a partner or in a group, the participants will practice how to play with touch.

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Kultrening/ Choreography and dance workshop “Stillness in Motion“ with Jovana Zajkova

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Kultrening / Choreography and dance workshop

Stillness in Motion“ with Jovana Zajkova

October 15, 13:00 – 15:00

@ Youth Cultural Center


Lokomotiva starts with the new series of KULTRENING free classes and workshops.

Join the first Kultrening workshop for this year is with Jovana Zajkova.

Sign up by email at kultrening@gmail.com by October 13, 2022, the number of participants is limited.


Follow the announcements on our social pages for the next workshops.

Zajkova is a keen researcher of ancient eastern disciplines and the principles behind them, which she applies in her practice physically as well as spiritually. In this workshop, she will share some of her ongoing research and long-term knowledge. For the participants without previous experience, the workshop will be a way to harmonize and balance the cognitive and the physical, whereas physically active participants (dancers, movers, athletes) will be offered a different perspective and new concepts of movement and the body.

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ACT: Art, Climate, Transition / Between Glitter and Compost a Conversation on Ecofeminism

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ACT: Art, climate, transition/ Talk

Between Glitter and Compost

A Conversation on Ecofeminism

Suzana Milevska and Myriam Bahaffou, Moderated by Philsan Osman

October 14, 2022


In May 2021 Kaaitheater invited philosopher Suzana Milevska for an online lecture on ecofeminist art practices. This October she will resume this talk in live Brussels and will be joined by researcher and ecofeminist activist Myriam Bahaffou.

Patriarchal systems in different world cultures have long interpreted women as obsessed with cleansing and purification, parallel to the anthropologically driven representation of women as ‘dirty’. How can ecofeminism create environmental awareness while also deconstructing the stereotypical and patriarchal hierarchical assumptions of women’s creativity and productivity?

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Conference: How Can We Move? Ecological Perspectives on Contemporary Dance

European Dancehouse Network/ Conference

How Can We Move? Ecological Perspectives on Contemporary Dance

14 November 2022 @ Online


Register here


EDN is organizing an online conference to which artists, cultural practitioners, academics, and local and international policy makers are invited. The conference on 14 November between 10:00 and 13:00 will coincide with the release and public presentation of EDN’s upcoming research publication. Register by 10 November 2022.

How can we move? This question is a common thread running through EDN’s 2022 activities. The conference will bring together conversations, thoughts, and actions around the theme of ecological sustainability. The annual online closing event on November 14, 2022, titled “How Can We Move? Ecological Perspectives on Contemporary Dance,” will bring together participants from within and outside the network and the sector, address burning issues for the sector and for society and culture more broadly, and present the results of all annual project activities.

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EDNext Sustainability Campaign “Ecological Perspectives on Contemporary Dance: How Can We Move?”


European Dancehouse Network/ Sustainability Campaign

How Can We Move? Ecological Perspectives on Contemporary Dance

14 November 2022 @ Online


EDN campaign presents concrete actions and ideas to engage the contemporary dance sector in Europe, its advocates, funders and stakeholders, in a shared movement towards a sustainable future.

How are ecological concerns addressed by contemporary dance organisations? Which are the main challenges with “greening” the way we design, produce and present contemporary dance artworks? What do we need in order to achieve greater ecological sustainability? And what has to be taken into consideration in view of our diverse international realities?

These were some of the central questions raised during EDN’s workshops, meetings and exchanges in 2022, that gathered ideas, actions and good practices contributed by a diverse pool of participants; artists, thinkers, leaders and producers from the field of contemporary dance and beyond.

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Lecture and workshop “Channels of Feeling” with Justin Cabrillos (USA)

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GPS/Global Practice Sharing exchange program/ Lecture and workshop

“Channels of Feeling” with Justin Cabrillos (USA)

Lokomotiva in collaboration with GPS, Movement Research, New York and Station- Service for Contemporary dance, Belgrade

03-04 October 2022 @ Youth Cultural Center, Skopje


LOKOMOTIVA – center for new initiatives in culture and art from Skopje in cooperation with Movement Research from New York, on October 4th (Tuesday), in the hall “25 May” in the Youth Cultural Center, starting at 11.00 am, organizes a workshop with Justin Cabrillos, a choreographer, artist and writer who lives and works in Brooklyn. In addition to the workshop, Justin Cabrillos will also hold a lecture for the students of the dance department at “Goce Delchev” University.

The workshop “Channels of Feeling” held together with local choreographers and dancers Aleksandra Petrushevska, Jovana Zajkova, Tereza Lazarev and Boban Ruseski explores how emotions circulate through the body and is intended for performers with and without experience. The participants, along with Justin, will move using imagery, meditation and tasks that encourage different ways of perceiving and embodying emotional states and unnameable sensations. The practical exercises will emphasize how we can individually connect with the different emotions and feelings that are stored in our bodies. The aim of the workshop is to separate the emotions from the physical, to discover alternative ways of moving and how to exist in parallel with these emotions.

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Residency “Dance in (non) democracy”

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Lokomotiva in collaboration with GPS, Movement Research, New York and Station- Service for Contemporary dance, Belgrade

Residency “Dance in (non) democracy” with Justin Cabrillos (USA), Sam Kim (USA), Jovana Rakić (SRB) and Aleksandra Petrushevska (MK)

Curators: Marijana Cvetković (SRB) and Biljana Tanurovska – Kjulavkovski (MK)

26 September – 05 November, 2022 @ Belgrade & Skopje


Title of the residency “Dance in (non)democracy” is thought as a trigger for collective reflection on the practices and roles of dance artists in social and political situations in which they are faced with partial or complete damage of democratic social protocols and institutions. In a small lab format artists will talk about their practices in those directions, exchange, give and take, and aerate their permanent care for their social/artistic/political context.
A week together in Belgrade and in Skopje is meant to be a place for critical thinking and mutual support.

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ACT: Art, Climate, Transition/ Partners meeting in Hamburg, Germany

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ACT: Art, Climate, Transition/ Partners meeting/ Networking

September 29-30, 2022

@ Kampnagel Internationale Kulturfabrik, Hamburg, Germany


On 29th and 30th of September representatives from Lokomotiva attended ACT Network meetings held in Hamburg, Germany as part of the Art Climate Transition project.

During these 2 days the program organized by Kampnagel Internationale Kulturfabrik, Hamburg (Germany) was followed by representatives of the project partners: Art Admin/London, Bunker/Ljubljana, Kaai Theater/Brussels, COAL/Paris, Domino/Zagreb, Kampnagel/Hamburg, NTIL/Riga, Rotterdam Theatre/Rotterdam, The Change Management Research Group/ The Hague, and Lokomotiva/Skopje.

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Public lecture by Bojana Kunst “Thinking and Making beyond the project: Making temporal kinships” in Struga

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“Open Course “Curatorial Practice and Context” 2022”

Summer School “Curating in context”/ public lecture 

“Thinking and Making beyond the project: Making temporal kinships” by Bojana Kunst 

Wednesday, 31.08.2022 at 19:00pm

@ Summer stage, Cultural centre, Struga


In the frame of the summer school “Curating in context” that will happen in Struga, public lecture “Thinking and Making beyond the project: Making temporal kinships” (Precarity and artistic work) will take place at 31st of August, at 7pm, at the “Summer stage” in the Cultural centre in Struga.

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