Workshop for creating an personal/ identification card of the Railway building

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Работилница за пренос на знаење за архитектонските и просторни карактеристики на Железничка зграда која во следниот период ќе придонесе во развој на нејзината лична карта.

Работилницата е водена од архитектот Дејан Ивановски. Работилницата е осмислена во соработка со членови на куќниот совет (Слободан Кочевиќ, Иван Џијановски и ТомеКаревски) а ја организира ФРУ во соработка со Локомотива- Скопје и Плоштад Слобода на 15.07.2017.
Таа овозможи услови за развој на лична карта на зградата која требаа да даде јасна слика за демографската и професионална структура на жителите од една страна, како и за активностите од културен и социјален карактер кои се случувале во зградата, од друга страна.

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DANCE WORKS! programme of Life Long Burning (LLB) project //CALL FOR PROPOSALS FOR CO-PRODUCTION //Deadline: 20 August 2017


Dear artists,

DANCE WORKS! programme enables co-productions of new artworks.

This call offers possibility for production of new artwork that will be co-produced by the LLB partner Lokomotiva- Centre for New initiatives in Arts and Culture (Lokomotiva-Skopje), representing the Nomad Dance Academy network.

With this call WE ARE INVITING YOU to propose an art projects, which will be co-produced in the frame of DANCE WORKS! Programme.

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Elena Risteska from Lokomotiva at CND CAMPING-International choreographic platform in Paris, France from 19 till 30 June 2017

Station- Service for contemporary performing arts with collaboration with Onda-  Office national de diffusion artistique (French office for contemporary performing arts circulation), offered scholarship for young choreographers, to be part of CND CAMPING – International choreographic platform in Paris, France from 19. 06 till 30. 06. 2017

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Critical Practice _ MADE in YU invited to BALKAN PLATFORMS of the 27th edition of Malta Festival Poznań Poland /22-25 June 2017/

Lokomotiva’s Critical Practice _ MADE in YU programme of Life Ling Burning project participates to BALKAN PLATFORMS programme of Malta Festival Poznań from 22 to 25 June 2017.

Invitation followed as recognition to Critical Practice _ MADE in YU and its working practice involving mentoring, support to self-organisation, networking with magazines, platforms and festivals and free programmes; support given to young critics who are deficient in this field in Europe and the programme regional (Balkan) dimension.

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Working meetings realized by the temporarily advisory body of the Open Space program line

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Во рамките на проектот „Културни простори за активни граѓани “ во периодот 2017/2018 се реализираа континуирани средби на Советодавното тело и работната група на „Слободна Сцена“, на Кино Култура, составени од претставници на граѓанското општество , активни во полето на културата, уметноста, младите, човековите и работничките права

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Drawing by Hristina Ivanovska/ photo of the drawing- Darko Culic



Museum of women’s stories


The publication titled “Museum of women’s stories” completes a three-year (2014/2016) art research project dealing with the historical and contemporary role of the women in the larger socio-political context in the country.

“Museum of women’s stories” is published by Lokomotiva – Centre for New Initiatives in Arts and Culture Skopje under the Decentralized cooperation programme between the Lower Normandy Region – France and the Republic of Macedonia.

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