PUBLICATION: “CULTURAL SPACES FOR ACTIVE CITIZENS” Developing models of specific public spaces for the community

The Publication is developed in the frame of the project “Cultural Spaces for Active Citizens” organized by “Lokomotiva” – Center for New Initiatives in Arts and Culture – Skopje in partnership with “Faculty of things that can’t be learned” (FRU) – Bitola/Skopje, and in collaboration with “Loud Textile Worker” – Shtip, “Freedom Square” – Skopje, and “Theater Navigator Cvetko” – Skopje.

By creating and implementing specific methodological approaches and activities, the project aimed to raise questions about and regarding the public space, the space in culture and art; or, more specifically, its function, practice, governance, i.e. its use by the professionals in the field of culture and the citizens. Therefore, within the timeframe of this project the partners dedicate their action towards the following four spaces: “Kino Kultura” – project space for contemporary performing arts and contemporary culture in Skopje, the cinema of the Railway Residential Building in Skopje, Officers’ House in Bitola, and Cultural and Artistic Center “Textile” in Shtip. 

The publication presents these four spaces in the realm of their history, the current situation of the spaces and their functioning – ownership, organizational and management structure, results from space related researches and recommendations for their further development as public spaces in culture and art for the professional community and the citizens.

Additionally, the publication gives overview of the project and its activities implemented within the period May 2017 – July 2018.


“POLITICAL THEATER” lecture by Michel Pavlovski

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Programme of Lokomotiva in Kino Kultura/ Art, Politics, Institution, Body

“POLITICAL THEATER” Lecture by Michel Pavlovski
Wednesday, 18.12.2019
@ Kino Kultura
Followed by a public discussion with Loreta Georgievska-Jakovleva, Sofia Kunovska, Maja Stevanovic and Filip Jovanovski. Moderator Biljana Tanurovska – Kulavkovski.
The lecture and discussion are part of the “Programme of Lokomotiva in Kino Kultura in 2019”, program line “Art, Politics, Institution, Body” supported by the Ministry of Culture and the Municipality of Centar.

Art Spaces and Residencies Summit

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Art spaces and Residencies summit

Kino Kultura – project space for contemporary performing arts and culture

12 and 13 December 2019


Lokomotiva – Centre for New Initiatives in Arts and Culture organizes “Art Spaces and Residences” Summit on 12 and 13 December at Kino Kultura. Our aim with this Summit is to bring together artists and cultural workers, converge two topics (art spaces and residencies) through perspective of “spaces of common” and “spaces of interdependence”.

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Creating and Releasing Music in a Digital Environment – discussion, promotion and live music impro session

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Creating and publishing music in a digital environment: live impro session, discussion and promotion
Kino Kultura, Saturday, 7 December

20.00 Public discussion: Creating and publishing music in digital environment
Participants: Andrea Risteski, Deni Omeragic, Mirko Popov
Moderator: Violeta Kachakova

22.00 Live music impro session
Pance Bujukliev and Kanton 6 Trio (Mirko Popov, Sinisa Evtimov, Vladan Drobicki)


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“Imaginations ~ Institutions ~ Precarity” – Imaginary school for the future of the (art) institutions, 2-6 December, Giessen, Germany

Autumn School/ Imaginary School project:
Imagination, Institutions, Precarity

2nd of December till 6th of December 2019
ATW, Justus-Liebig University Giessen
@ the Georg Büchner Saal, Bismarkstr. 37, 35390 Gießen

Autumn school/ Imaginary School project is part of the research network on the future of imaginary institutions, which was established by several partners (EEPAP, Lublin, Nomad Dance Academy Ljubljana, Institute for Applied Theatre Studies, Justus Liebig University, Giessen, BADCo, Zagreb, CollectivA, Cluj, Lokomotiva Skopje) and is supported by the Allianz Stiftung.

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SYMPOSIUM_Precarious in capitalist culture, organized by Faculty of things that can’t be learned (FR~U), North Macedonia in partnership with Lokomotiva- Centre for New Initiatives in Arts and Culture and Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung South East Europe

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Precarious in capitalist culture – Should we continue living like this?

Kino Kultura, Skopje, November 29-30, 2019

Organized by Faculty of things that can’t be learned (FR~U), North Macedonia in partnership with Lokomotiva- Centre for New Initiatives in Arts and Culture and Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung South East Europe

Curated by Ivana Vaseva


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“Advocacy of cultural workers for labour rights” workshop with Tjaša Pureber

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SYMPOSIUM_Precarious in capitalist culture

 “Advocacy of cultural workers for labour rights” 

Workshop with Tjaša Pureber

29.11.2019, 14 – 18 h

 @ Kino Kultura


Workshop “Advocacy of cultural workers for labour rights” with Tjaša Pureber (cultural worker and former head of advocacy for Asociacija, network of independent cultural workers in Slovenia), within SYMPOSIUM_Precarious in capitalist culture in Kino Kultura.

The workshop with Tjaša Pureber is organized by Locomotiva – Center for New Initiatives in Art and Culture, within the framework of the annual program “Contemporary Culture and Public Politics” 2019, curated by Violeta Kachakova and Biljana Tanurovska-Kjulavkovski, developed as part of the project  “Programme of Lokomotiva in Kino Kultura – project space for contemporary performing arts and culture”, supported by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Northern Macedonia.

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Regional collaboration::: Lokomotiva on Co-festival in Ljubljana- Working visits of Biljana Tanurovska Kjulavkovski and Violeta Kachakova in Ljubljana, Slovenia from 23rd till 27th November 2019

Partners Nomad Dance Academy Slovenia and Kino Siska- Centre for Urban Culture, Ljubljana have invited Biljana Tanurovska Kjulavkovski and Violeta Kachakova from 23 till 27 November in Ljubljana, Slovenia, to be guests of the CoFestival festival for contemporary dance 2019. They have the opportunity to present the organization, project space Kino Kultura and be part of the discussions, meetings and other festival activities.

Biljana Tanurovska Kjulavkovski together with Eddie Nixon from The Place, London, were part of the festival discussion – “Dance House or Dance Home?”, moderated by Dragana Alfirevic, a curator from Co-festival. Discussion was organized by EDN, Kino Siska and Nomad Dance Academy Slovenia.

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CURATING IN CONTEXT::: Lokomotiva- Skopje, organised the first activities of the project ”Curating in Context”, supported by the Erasmus +, EU programme for education, training, youth and sport

From 17th till 21nd November in Kino Kultura- project_ space for contemporary performing arts and culture in Skopje, Lokomotiva organised two activities in the framework of the project “Curating in Context”.

The aim of the “Curating in Context” project is to develop curatorial training with a strong focus on social impact through the involvement of local, regional and international actors, targeting individuals as well as cultural and civic organisations. The project intends to create further education for cultural workers and citizens through strategies derived from performing arts and curatorial practice. Through methods of mutual pollination of know-how and best practices from the performing arts and the civil sector the ‘’Curating in Context’’ project also aims to collate the impact of both cultural and civil sector on society.

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