Critical Movement Residency and workshops by elena rose light and Frida Laux

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(Non)Aligned Movement/ Critical Movement Residency

Research residency by elena rose light and Frida Laux

August 28 – September 3, 2022, @ Struga and Skopje

Summer school “Curating in Context”/ “Curatorial Practices in Context”

Workshop with elena rose light and Frida Laux

August 30th, 2022 @ Cultural centre, Struga


In the period of August 29 – September 3, 2022 in Struga, Lokomotiva, Skopje is hosting Critical Movement Residency as part of the project (Non)Aligned Movement. One of aims of the residency is to deepen collaborations in the field of dance and choreography and support young choreographers and performers including the residents elena rose light and Frida Laux.

The residents will investigate choreography and dance practices throughout the process of discussion, thinking and writing. Their work and research intend to deepen the choreographic processes through collaboration, sharing and meeting with local artists and cultural workers and extending their collaborative network.

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29.08.2022 – 02.09.2022

PROGRAM/Abstracts and Bios
Summer School “Curating in Context”/ Intensive week in Struga, North Macedonia Aug. 29 – Sept. 2.

29.08. Monday
11.00- 12.15// Introduction and context presentation/ Brief introduction on the course presentation of the SKH, OPEN course and presentation of the participants by Tove Salmgren and Biljana Tanurovska-Kjulavkovski

Bio: Tove Salmgren works as a dancer, choreographer, curator and educator. Since 2016 she leads, together with the artist Kajsa Wadhia, Köttinspektionen Dans, an artist-driven platform and place for experimental dance and choreography in Uppsala, Sweden. As a choreographer, she explores shifted perspectives and reality, often through tiny interventions, based on the interest in negotiating what art (and non-art) can do and be as a place for the emancipatory unknown. Tove has over the last decade been part of various artistic collaborations, such as “The Blob” (initiated by Anna Efraimsson), a curatorial persona exercising and practicing an institutional critique of art, knowledge and beyond, the curatorial collaboration “We happen things” (with Manon Santkin and Moa Franzén) and since 2018, she forms, together with Moa Franzén and Kajsa Wadhia, a performance trio which explores the voice as physical materiality and choreographic tool. Since 2017, she has been employed as a Lecturer in perfomative practices at SKH, Stockholm University of the Arts.

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(Non)Aligned Movements “Summit” organised in Struga

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(Non)Aligned Movements/ Nomad Dance Academy Summit

25 – 30 August 2022@ Hotel Drim, Struga

Nomad Dance Academy presentation at Summer School “Curating in context”

Tuesday, 30th August 2022 at 19:00pm @ Foyer, Cultural centre, Struga


Lokomotiva, Skopje in the period from 25th till 30th of August 2022 in the small city of Struga, will organize “Summit” meetings of the Nomad Dance Academy network, as part of the project (Non)Aligned Movements.

The “Summit” of the Nomad Dance Academy will be attended by individuals and organizations, members of the Nomad Dance Academy, and they will discuss the ways of cooperation in the region, networking between festivals for contemporary dance and performance, the development of residential programs in that field, and the regional archive for contemporary dance and performance on the territory of the former Yugoslavia, will be discussed as well.

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Three activities as part of the (Non)Aligned Movements project organised in Struga

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Lokomotiva, Skopje in the period from 25th of August till the 3rd of September in the small city of Struga, will organize three activities as part of the project (Non)Aligned Movements:

  • from 25.08.-30.08.2022 meeting of the Nomad Dance Academy network, entitled “Summit”,
  • from 28.08.- 03.09.2022 International Summer School “Curating in Context” part of the Open Course “Curatorial Practice in Context” at the Stockholm Academy of Arts
  • “Critical movement” residencies by Frida Laux (France) and Elena Rose Light (USA) from 28.08.- 03.09.2022.

The “Summit” of the Nomad Dance Academy will be attended by individuals and organizations, members of the Nomad Dance Academy, and they will discuss the ways of cooperation in the region, networking between festivals for contemporary dance and performance, the development of residential programs in that field, and the regional archive for contemporary dance and performance on the territory of the former Yugoslavia, will be discussed as well.

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Повик за ангажирање на координатор/ка

Здружение на граѓани ЛОКОМОТИВА – Центар за нови иницијативи во уметноста и културата во Скопје бара координатор/ка на определено време од 9 месеци, почнувајќи од октомври 2022г. Првите три месеци е период на адаптација со скратено работно време, останатите 6 месеци ангажманот е со полно работно време со можност за продолжување.

ЛОКОМОТИВА е организација со динамична средина за работа, соработува со бројни локални, регионални и меѓународни соработници и партнери и нуди голема можност за личен и професионален развој на своите членови. Повеќе на

Координаторот/ката е потребно да ги исполнува следните квалификации:

  • да има завршено високо образование;
  • да има одлично познавање на англиски јазик;
  • да има претходно искуство во развој на проекти;
  • да има претходно искуство во координирање на тимови и проекти;
  • да има основно познавање од буџети и основни финансиски операции;
  • да поседува комуникациски и организациски вештини;
  • да има флексибилен однос кон времето и животниот стил бидејќи работата не е секогаш со фиксни работни часови, а и вклучува патувања во земјата и странство;
  • претходно искуство во здруженија на граѓани ќе се смета за предност;
  • познавање и искуство од полиња на хуманистичките науки ќе се смета за предност.

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European Dancehouse Network’s General Assembly meeting in Barcelona

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European Dancehouse Network 

General Assembly Meeting

27-28 June 2022

@ Mercat de les Flors, Barselona


After long break during 27th and 28th of June, in Barcelona will happen the General Assembly meeting of European Dancehouse Network – EDN. As representative of Lokomotiva, Skopje, Biljana Tanurovska – Kjulavkovski attended the assembly. During these days the representatives of the member organizations will have opportunity to meet again and have important discussions, information sharing and decision-making.

During the General Assembly, co-organised by Mercat de les Flors, held in Barcelona on 28 June 2022, EDN members voted for new president and board members of the European Dancehouse Network.

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“Beyond Present Future Feminisms” a text by the participants of Critical practice (Made in Yugoslavia)

Critical practice (Made in Yugoslavia)

Beyond Present Future Feminisms, text by

Anka HerbutJette BuchsenschutzKasia WolinskaMasa Radi BuhMaeve JohnsonElena Novakovits

June 20, 2022


In a cruel twist of fate, I fear that the movement for women’s liberation has become entangled in a dangerous liaison with neoliberal efforts to build a free-market society. That would explain how it came to pass that feminist ideas that once formed part of a radical worldview are increasingly expressed in individualist terms. (…) A movement that once prioritised social solidarity now celebrates female entrepreneurs. A perspective that once valorised ‘care’ and interdependence now encourages individual advancement and meritocracy. [1]

This text stems from the need to enter into a dialog with the Feminist Futures Festival that was held in Amiens and Lisbon in January this year. As one of five twin or tripled festivals happening between 2021 and 2024, each festival takes place in similar versions, one after the other in two different cities. Initiated by the apap – advancing performing arts project, the festivals are a part of the larger EU-funded programm apap  FEMINIST FUTURES with the high aim of – in its own words – “initiate powerful social changes through art”.

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Publication: “Curating in Context – Political and Performative Curatorial Imaginaries”


We are pleased to announce the publication/book “Curating in Context – Political and Performative Curatorial Imaginaries” edited by Biljana Tanurovska – Kjulavkovski and Slavco Dimitrov which was generated as part of their curatorial work on the International summer school “Curating in Context” in the period of 2020-2022.


The book includes texts from exceptional writers – theorists, curators, artists as Danae Theodoridou, Florian Malzacher, Suzana Milevska, Amelia T. Jones, Anastasia Proshutinskaya, Jasmina Založnik, Rok Vevar, Kirsten Maar, Dominic Johnson and Voin de Voin.


The publication/book “Curating in Context – Political and Performative Curatorial Imaginaries” in printed by Lokomotiva and shorty summaries the following:

In this publication editors wanted to interrelate the notion of the curatorial to a problem, or a situation, to time, space, conditions and processes of work, and to observe its transformation in those relations.

They are addressing the term as such and try to reflect it as “programming- dramaturgy – producing – organizing – presenting – exhibiting – reflecting or in its broadest sense, as a process of thinking and doing, and taking care of the context in which artwork is developed and appears.”

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ACT: Art, Climate, Transition / Summer lab #3 – Magical peatlands, Riga, Latvia

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ACT: Art, Climate, Transition

Summer lab #3 – Magical peatlands

Organized by New Theatre Institute of Latvia

13 – 17 June, 2022, Lake Kaņieris, Kemeri National park, Riga, Latvia


In the period form 12th till 18th of June Lokomotiva, Skopje North Macedonia invited Ivana Mirchevska a visual artist and a researcher to participate of the third summer lab titled Magical peatlands organized by New Theatre Institute of Latvia, as part of European project Art, Climate, Transition. The invited artists, researchers and representatives of the partnering organisations: Julie Navarro (COAL, Paris, France), Elīne Buka (New Theatre Institute of Latvia, Riga, Latvia), Benno Stainegger (Kaaitheater, Brussels, Belgium), Dijana Protić (Domino, Zagreb, Croatia), Zoe Laureen Palmer (Artsadmin, London, United Kingdom), Noor Stenfert Kroese (Theater Rotterdam, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, Maria Antunes (Culturgest, Lisbon, Portugal), Heli Mäkinen (Kampnagel, Hamburg, Germany), and Lea Kukovičič (Bunker, Ljubljana, Slovenia), also attended summer lab organized and programed by Bek Berger, Ieva Briede and the volunteer Una Valaine from New Theatre Institute of Latvia. The invited artist and filmmaker Rebecca Birch from UK, and the observer Merel Heering, dance dramaturge, facilitator and alignment coach from Holland, followed the program together with Zorica Zafirovska, an artist and cultural worker who joined the summer lab program as a representative from Lokomotiva, Skopje.

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Residences and presentations: “Queer dance art and performance”

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Lokomotiva in collaboration with Movement Research, New York

(2-11 June, 2022)


Artists in residence: Jasmine Hearn, zavé martohardjono, Sarah A.O. Rosner, Raymond Pinto (USA), Vladimir Bjeličić (SRB), Olja Grubić (SLO) and Aleksandar Georgiev (MK)

GPS Visiting Scholar: Levi Gonzales (USA)



2-10 June @ Macedonian National theatre and Mala Stanica (laboratory for exchanging practices and meetings with artists and cultural workers)


@ 09 June, 20:00 @ Mala Stanica/ @Skopje Pride Weekend Festival 2022

“Performing presentations” by Jasmine Hearn, zavé martohardjono, Raymond Pinto and Sarah A.O. Rosner


Movement Research (NY) and Lokomotiva (MK) are developing a collaboration that will gather artists, theorists, and researchers from USA and Balkans who define them and their work as queer, each from their specific artistic perspective.
During the collaboration we will try to explore diverse practices among themselves, as artists and cultural workers, also bringing closer local perspectives and situations in which such work appears and is developed.
Collaboration is developed through laboratory for exchanging practices, meetings and presentations on the Pride Weekend 2022, Festival for queer arts, culture and theory.

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